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There's pics of colorado. Fabio's on there. Go look, why don't you.

Here's me with the love of my life
You have discovered my ego-centric, altruistic little world...Wow, a whole 20 megs devoted to me and only the things that i find important...what a concept...

Howdy Ho young farmers, it's your old Pal Christopher with a new saying for today "F!@K it's cold here". I just wanted to say how much we miss everyone and wish YA'LL down in Texas Happy Holidays..........

Cam the Ram!!! CSU Kicks Ass!!

Colorado State University has so much to offer
What's new in Colorado. School keeps me so busy, that's just about all I have to talk about. Let me mention just a few of my adventures in Agriculture... well, it all started with submerging my left shoulder into a live cow's rumen through her fistula. Then I dove into a cow's ass to measure her pelvis. I also palpated and felt a calf in utero no bigger than a small cat. Learned how to sonogram as well. I've added to my list of species to electro ejaculate as we collected a unsuspecting ram. This week, I may have broke a record for herding swine onto a scale. How's that for "what'd you learn in school today??"

About the pictures...Well, just to add to the many disadvantages of being broke, one of them is that I can't seem to find the extra to develop new pics. Please check back, they'll be here soon...

Figured I should add a site counter.